Project M² Joint School Kahoot! Financial Knowledge Contest (Secondary School Division)

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Activity Objective:

•⁠  ⁠Provide students with an interactive learning platform to acquire basic financial management skills and develop good money management habits.

•⁠  ⁠Through real-time responses, students' ability to apply financial principles in real-life situations will be tested.

•⁠  ⁠All secondary school students in Hong Kong are welcome to participate. Financial education, value education, and achieving financial well-being are important aspects of personal growth. Therefore, we hope to invite and encourage all students to participate, not limited to those taking business elective subjects.

•⁠  ⁠There will be two sessions (November 2024 and March 2025), each allowing a maximum of 2,000 participants. Each session will last for about half an hour.To provide an interactive learning platform for students, enabling them to learn basic financial skills and develop good financial management concepts. Through real-life scenarios, students can apply financial principles and enhance their understanding of financial management in real life. Financial literacy, value education, and fiscal responsibility are essential components of personal growth. Therefore, we hope to encourage and motivate all students to participate.

Target Audience:

• All secondary school students in Hong Kong
(not limited to those enrolled in business-related courses.)

Activity Dates:

• First Round: December 7, 2024

• Second Round: March 2025 (date to be announced)

Activity Format:

• Real-time competition (students can participate in the competition independently)

School Registration Method:

• Register through the online form on this link.


課程分為 FQ 新星 (FQ Rising Star)、FQ 探索者 (FQ Explorer)、FQ 挑戰者 (FQ Challenger)、FQ 未來領袖 (FQ Future Leader) 和 FQ 專家 (FQ Master) 等五個進階程度。

Project M² 深信 5P 體驗學習(Play 遊戲、Passion 熱誠、Peers 夥伴、Project 專案學習和 Purpose 意義找尋)的重要性,因此我們希望採取遊戲化的教育方法和互動的課程教材,同時專注於財商知識的技能和正向道德價值觀方面的培訓,整個學習過程更可由學生主導。因為課程可於線上平台學習和重溫,教學更能由學校伸展到家庭内,推動家長與小朋友在家作延伸活動和重溫學習重點。

這個計劃也包括Project M² 家長學堂,旨在推動家長與小朋友在家作延伸活動和重溫學習重點,實踐家校合作。

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